Chapter 1
Introducing National Human
Rights Institutions

Chapter 2
Models of NHRIs

Chapter 3
Roles and Responsabilities of

Chapter 4
The Rule of Law and the NHRI

Chapter 5
NHRIs, Development and
Democratic Governance

Chapter 6
Situating NHRI Support in the UN Planning & Programming Process

Chapter 7
Pre-establishment Phase of NHRIs

Chapter 8
Establishing NHRIs

Chapter 9
Consolidation Phase:
Strengthening the Mature NHRI

Chapter 10
Paris Principles and Accreditation

Tools in Chapter 9

Annex 1: Premises Checklist

Annex 2: Transportation Checklist

Annex 3: Telecommunications Assessment Checklist

Annex 4: IT Checklist

Annex 5: Indicative Advanced Training

Annex 6: Intake Checklist

Annex 7: ADR Assessment Checklist

Annex 8: Summary of Findings from OHCHR Survey of NNRIs: Report on the Findings and Recommendations of a Questionnaire Addressed to NHRIs Worldwide


Case Study: Stakeholder Consultations Assist in Assessing Legislative Provisions in Uganda

Checklist: Indicators for a Human Resources System

Checklist: Investigations: Earmarks of a Troubled System

Checklist: Is the Information System Supporting Case Management?

Examples: Strategies to Ensuring Nation-wide Access. Bolivia and Namibia

Guidelines for NHRIs Seeking to Engage in the Legislative Review Process

Note: Assistance in Identifying Evaluators or Specialist in Capacity Assessment

Note: Assistance in Securing an Expert

Scenario: Bridge-building with Civil Society

Scenario: Difficulties in Obtaining Draft Laws

Scenario: Inappropriate Use of Vehicles in a UN Funded Project

Scenario: A Faltering Intake System

Scenario: Ineffective Data Management

Scenario: Is the NHRIs Structure Working?

Table 1: Women's Equality

Table 2: IDP's, Refugees and Stateless Persons

Table 3: Disability and NHRIs

Table 4: NHRIs and Transitional Justice

Table 5: NHRIs and Treaty Bodies

Table 6: Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council

The portal of the UN Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Business & Human Rights

Quick Facts: NHRI Organisational Structures