Chapter 1
Introducing National Human
Rights Institutions

Chapter 2
Models of NHRIs

Chapter 3
Roles and Responsabilities of

Chapter 4
The Rule of Law and the NHRI

Chapter 5
NHRIs, Development and
Democratic Governance

Chapter 6
Situating NHRI Support in the UN Planning & Programming Process

Chapter 7
Pre-establishment Phase of NHRIs

Chapter 8
Establishing NHRIs

Chapter 9
Consolidation Phase:
Strengthening the Mature NHRI

Chapter 10
Paris Principles and Accreditation

Situating NHRIs in the UN Country Planning Process

Annex 1: Situating NHRIs in the UN Country Planning Process



UNDAF: Country Programme



  • Engage with NHRI as expert stakeholder in country assessment process.
  • Review NHRI reports and recommendations, if any.
  • Jointly share information/findings for strategic planning and programme planning purposes.


  • Seek NHRI feedback on UNDAF Results Matrix.
  • Include reference to NHRI as a partner agency in areas that deal with human rights or where a HRBA is required.
  • If no NHRI is in place, identify appropriate development partner (Ministry of Justice; Parliamentary Committee, etc.).


  • Work closely with NHRI to develop country programme initiative(s) that target the NHRI.
  • Consult with NHRI on country programme initiatives that have a strong human rights component; consider ways of involving NHRI in programme delivery as appropriate.
  • If no NHRI in place, work closely with appropriate development partner on country programme targeting the establishment of a NHRI.


  • Work closely with NHRI on developing project document targeting it.
  • Consult with NHRI on project documents with other development partners when those documents have a strong human rights component; seek ways to create synergies and comparative advantages, by including NHRIs as partners in project activity.
  • If no NHRI in place, work closely with appropriate development partner on project document targeting the establishment of a NHRI.


NHRI not established or in pre-establishment phase

  • Are socio-economic and political conditions in the country conducive to establishing a NHRI?
  • Is there a national process at play to establish a NHRI?
  • If yes, is that process appropriate (transparent; participatory; geared to establishing a PP-compliant NHRI?


NHRI not established or in pre-establishment phase

  • Include reference to support for establishing NHRI in UNDAF Outcome as appropriate; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Assign responsibility to appropriate UN agency (OHCHR to be included) to develop programme.


NHRI not established or in pre-establishment phase

  • Develop country programme, including funding strategy, to support establishment of a NHRI; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.


NHRI not established or in pre-establishment phase

  • Develop project document to support establishment of a NHRI; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Implement funding strategy as appropriate.

For further information on the content of project documents see Chapter 7.

NHRI in Establishment phase

  • Have all pre-establishment requirement been met, including accreditation application? (Note that applications are not accepted until the NHRI has accumulated one-year of experience)
  • Are existing programmes, if any, sufficient to ensure establishment of an effective and PP-compliant NHRI?

NHRI in establishment phase

  • Include reference to support for NHRI as appropriate; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Assign responsibility to appropriate UN agency (OHCHR to be included) to develop programme.

NHRI in establishment phase

  • Develop country programme, including fund-raising strategy, to support NHRI.

NHRI in establishment phase

  • Develop project document to support NHRI; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Implement fund-raising strategy as appropriate.

For further information on the content of project documents see Chapter 8.

NHRI in Consolidation phase (A-Status)

  • Have all establishment requirement been met?
  • Are existing programmes, if any, sufficient to ensure establishment of an effective and PP-compliant NHRI?

NHRI in Consolidation phase (A-Status)

  • Include reference to strengthen NHRI as appropriate; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Assign responsibility to appropriate UN agency (OHCHR to be included)/ UN focal point to develop programme.

NHRI in Consolidation phase (A-Status)

Develop country programme, including fund-raising strategy, to strengthen NHRI.

NHRI in Consolidation phase (A-Status)

  • Develop project document to support establishment of a NHRI; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Implement fund-raising strategy as appropriate.

For further information on the content of project documents see Chapter 9.

NHRI in consolidation phase (Not A-Status)

  • Review ICC recommendations.
  • Are existing programmes, if any, sufficient to ensure establishment of an effective and PP-compliant NHRI?

For information on determining whether to engage with non-compliant NHRIs see Chapter 10.

NHRI in consolidation phase (Not A-Status)

  • Include reference to support for NHRI as appropriate; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Assign responsibility to appropriate UN agency (OHCHR to be included) / UN focal point to develop programme.

NHRI in consolidation phase (Not A-Status)

  • Develop country programme, including fund-raising strategy, to strengthen NHRI using ICC recommendations as roadmap.

NHRI in consolidation phase (Not A-Status)

  • Develop project document to support establishment of a NHRI; include reference to funding strategy if necessary.
  • Implement fund-raising strategy as appropriate.

For further information on the content and design of project documents see Chapter 9.