8.5.8 Human Rights and Business
An introductory discussion of the role of NHRIs in this area is in Chapter 3.
At the establishment phase, NHRIs that have jurisdiction over private sector entities should be able to provide access to remedies for abuses of human rights. One of the current issues in this area is the lack of available information about alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. These mechanisms can complement judicial recourses, by enabling an early and speedy means of resolution.
See the ADR section 8.5, below and BASESwiki
This online portal is the initiative of the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, with the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School and with the International Bar Association and Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman of the World Bank Group. It aims to help Business and society explore solutions to grievances and disputes, including resources for grievance resolution, accountability mechanisms and access to experts in ADR. www.baseswiki.org
The portal of the UN Special Representative to the Secretary-General on business & human rights in the Business Human Rights resource centre
Specific promotional programmes dedicated to business become important areas of potential intervention for NHRIs and therefore may be areas for the UNCT to provide support, if requested.