Chapter 1
Introducing National Human
Rights Institutions

Chapter 2
Models of NHRIs

Chapter 3
Roles and Responsabilities of

Chapter 4
The Rule of Law and the NHRI

Chapter 5
NHRIs, Development and
Democratic Governance

Chapter 6
Situating NHRI Support in the UN Planning & Programming Process

Chapter 7
Pre-establishment Phase of NHRIs

Chapter 8
Establishing NHRIs

Chapter 9
Consolidation Phase:
Strengthening the Mature NHRI

Chapter 10
Paris Principles and Accreditation

NHRIs and Treaty Bodies

Table 5: NHRIs and Treaty Bodies18

Millennium Development Goal

Key Related Human
Rights Standards


Drafting accompanying reports or comments in connection with the reports that States are required to submit to UN bodies.

Build a KM system to collect information about gaps and weaknesses in rights protection.

Establish a process for the NHRI to provide information to the secretariat of the particular Treaty Body for the drafting of the List of Issues.

Plan for NHRIs to make presentations in treaty body pre-sessional working groups.

Establish a liaison with the ICC representative in Geneva to address treaty bodies on its behalf (only for A-status NHRIs).


Create a system to monitor the effective implementation by the Government of the concluding observations and recommendations of treaty bodies and provide guidance on possible courses of action.

Create a system to support and host follow up meetings to concluding observations and recommendations of treaty bodies intended for the Government, Parliament, public authorities, and civil society.

The NHRI should engage with Government, Parliament and other public authorities regarding the implementation of concluding observations and recommendations.

Where possible, institute programmes and activities based on observations and recommendations.

Petitions/Enquiry procedure

Create an internal process to facilitate or assist victims' petitions to treaty bodies.

International Human Rights instruments

Ensure training on state ratification of relevant instruments, as well as reservations and implementation gaps following views and recommendations expressed by treaty bodies.

Establish a programme to publicise / disseminate information about international human rights instruments.

Establish education campaigns for advocacy and for governments, Parliament, and stakeholders regarding international instruments.


Establish a programme to train state officials regarding reporting procedures, collection of data that is required for reports and other relevant issues relating to the reporting process.






18 See OHCHR, "Guidance Note: National Human Rights Institutions and the Work of OHCHR at Headquarters and Field Level". 2007 (drafted by J. Klok, NI Unit, OHCHR); UN, "Conclusions of the International Roundtable on the Role of National Human Rights Institutions and Treaty Bodies" HRI/MC/2007/3, 7 February 2007.