Chapter 1
Introducing National Human
Rights Institutions

Chapter 2
Models of NHRIs

Chapter 3
Roles and Responsabilities of

Chapter 4
The Rule of Law and the NHRI

Chapter 5
NHRIs, Development and
Democratic Governance

Chapter 6
Situating NHRI Support in the UN Planning & Programming Process

Chapter 7
Pre-establishment Phase of NHRIs

Chapter 8
Establishing NHRIs

Chapter 9
Consolidation Phase:
Strengthening the Mature NHRI

Chapter 10
Paris Principles and Accreditation

6.6 UNCTs, NHRIs and Country Programme Development

6.6.1 NHRI Participation:

Where NHRIs exist, they have an important role to play in developing the Country Programme. They will, of course, participate directly in the programme design, alongside the UN agency identified as partner agencies, for any initiative that targets them directly. They should also be consulted on programmes that have a strong human rights dimension or for which the NHRI will be asked to participate. As discussed earlier, stakeholders should have a role in the identification of appropriate program, and depending on the project, may be partners in programme design and delivery.

6.6.2 Targeting NHRI in the Country Programme

As indicated earlier with regard to the UNDAF, the scope and focus of engagement with NHRI, as set forth in the CPAP, will vary depending on the development phase of the NHRI (non-existent; pre-establishment; establishment; consolidation) as well as the accreditation status that the NHRI holds. Chapters 7-9 provide programming advice for the content of each phase.