Tools in Chapter 4
Annex 1: “Core Protection Issues and Potential Activities for NHRI Involvement.”
Annex 2: Standing Instructions for NHRIs: Monitoring Places of Detention
Case Study: The UNDP, human rights and the Commission on Human Rights in the Philippines (CHR)
Figure 1: Complaints Statistics - Torture and Ill-treatment
Figure 2: Number of detention visits in 2008
Nairobi Declaration on the Administration of Justice
Quick Facts about NHRIs and core Protection activities
Quick Facts about NHRIs and protecting human rights defenders
Quick Facts about NHRIs detention monitoring
Example: Increased vulnerability for groups in South Africa
Scenario: Is the NHRI Focusing on Core Protection Issues?
Standing Instructions for NHRIs: Monitoring Places of Detention,
Table 1: Strenthening the Rule of Law
Table 2: Key Rights Linked To Core Protection Mandate
Table 3: NHRIs and Torture Prevention