9.2.2 Strategic Planning
Basic process indicators for assessing capacity in this area are:
- Has the NHRI undertaken and completed strategic planning?
- Has it resulted in a coherent plan, along with clear action or operational plans, budgets, planned outcomes and targets?
- Have achievements against plans been regularly measured and adjustments made as necessary?
- Does the organization's vision and mission statement reflect the statutory mandate of the NHRI?
- Have these documents been developed with broad public consultation and with the participation of staff?
If the answer to any of these questions is "no", then the NHRI needs to develop or revise its planning process, as soon as possible. See Chapter 8.
If there is a plan, then a mid-term evaluation or assessment will determine how the plan is proceeding, if there are shortcomings and if adjustments are needed.
As well, by this point, there may be additional information available as a result of the recommendations of the ICC Sub-committee on Accreditation. These should serve as a road map for future action.
From the UNCT perspective, there is usually a project document in place and in particular a Project Activity Framework (PAF) which sets standards against which the project should be assessed. If the UNCT is engaged with the NHRI, the two should coincide since the NHRI's strategic plan should reflect what is in the PAF. The strategic plan can form the basis for revising the PAF, if necessary. See Chapter 6 for an overview of the UN planning process and for a sample PAF.
If the analysis has not been undertaken, one way the UNCT can assist immediately is by securing an expert to conduct an evaluation or support a developmental assessment process. This will provide an overview of achievements against the plan as well as an analysis of why there were shortfalls, if any. This then would serve as a vehicle through which to assess current programme capacity, as well as to assist the institution develop the capacity to carry out future assessments.
Quick Facts: NHRI Organisational Structures
An OHCHR survey shows that in Africa and the Asia Pacific, management structures are a weakness for many institutions, with fewer than 60% of respondents considering their institution's organisational structure to be efficient.1
The UNCT, working with the OHCHR, can support this process by bringing in an expert who can support the evaluation. Terms of reference can be developed with the assistance of the UNDP and/ or the OHCHR.