Tools in Chapter 8
Annex 1: Sample Terms of Reference for Strategic Planning Expert
Annex 2: Steps in Strategic Planning
Annex 3: Criteria for Job Descriptions
Annex 4: Guidelines for General NHRI Training on Human Rights Protection and Promotion
Annex 5: Types of Case Management Reports
Annex 6: Case Management Policies and Procedures
Annex 8: Sample Briefing Note for a Capacity Assessment of a NHRI
Case study: Working towards Gender Equality in NHRIs
Example: Focal Points for Fighting Trafficking
Example: Premises for the Uganda HRC
Example: Specialized Units Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
Examples: Country Experiences of Monitoring (Guatemala & South Africa)
Figure 1 Capacity Development Process
Note: Consultation with UNDP and OHCHR
Guidelines for Developing a Strategic Planning Process
Sample Key Elements of an Organizational Structure
Scenario: Are Special Measures Needed?
Scenario: Getting Started with a New NHRI
Scenario: A Technical Assistance Project for Strategic Planning
Simple Steps to Control Case Load
Table 1: NHRIs and Ensuring Women's Equality
Table 2: NHRIs and IDP's Refugees and Stateless Persons
Table 4: NHRIs and Transitional Justice: Establishing Capacity
Table 5: NHRIs and Treaty Bodies
Table 6: Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council
Table 7: NHRIs and the Human Rights Council
Quick Facts about how the promotional mandate is resourced in NHRIs