NHRIs and Transitional Justice
Table 4: NHRIs and Transitional Justice6
Accountability |
Has the NHRI undertaken to establish effective accountability mechanisms? |
Has the NHRI contributed to the documentation of past abuses or other truth-seeking/truth-telling mechanisms? |
Has the NHRI been involved in advising on an enabling act for a Truth & Reconciliation Commission, Special Court or Reparation Programme? |
Is the NHRI involved in the preservation of truth commission archives? |
Institutional reform |
Is the NHRI involved in vetting initiatives? |
Has the NHRI provided advice on institutional reforms (as a remedy to address causes of conflict)? |
Has the NHRI provided advice on legal reform? |
Reintegration |
Does the NHRI support the reintegration of demobilised forces, displaced persons and returning refugees into society? |
Does the support include special initiatives for child soldiers and child abductees, as well as integrate a gender-sensitive approach? |
Reparation |
Does the NHRI assist victims with claims? |
Does the NHRI promote the adoption of ad-hoc measures for victims? |
6 See OHCHR, "Guidance Note: National Human Rights Institutions and the Work of OHCHR at Headquarters and Field Level", 2007, op. cit.