Annex 2: Sample project activity framework to establish a NHRI
Overview and guide to reading this document
This document offers a sample detailed narrative of proposed project activities in the context of a Project Document (PRODOC) for an NHRI to be established. It is a sample only and is intended to give an idea of how projects have been structured, but it is not determinative of any project, nor is it directive.
It covers the following sample areas that are linked to the Toolkit areas of focus:
- Pre-establishment (infrastructure, hiring the project team, naming of members and passing of enabling law)
- Establishment
- Appointment of members
- Human Resources
- Development of basic management policies
- Development of knowledge management capacity
- Investigations and Monitoring
- Public education, Outreach
- Engaging stakeholders
This Annex does not purport to cover all the basic areas, but does offer enough detail to show how strategic objectives are linked to activities, outputs and allocations of high-level responsibility across a few sample areas.
It will generally contain an indicative budget as a separate document, and a consultation document (for prospective partners). Details of the management arrangements are generally provided in the PRODOC.
Assigned responsibilities: The Project Activity Framework (PAF) designates activities for project staff, as a rule, and does not repeat the responsibilities that NHRI members are given by law, unless applicable legislation assigns particular responsibilities that should be emphasized.
The UNDP, in close consultation with OHCHR, will usually provide overall management for the project and project funding, inter alia by ensuring that monies are dispersed in accordance with the PAF. Because the UNDP will usually provide overall management for the project and project funding under the PRODOC, it is assumed that UNDP will be a partner across all activities. To avoid repetition, the UNDP does not appear in each category except in the start-up phase when a Project Manager or National Project Manager (designated as a National Programme manager here) or equivalent position is not yet hired. Other agencies may be involved as well, and consultation should take place with in-country security officials as a matter of course in countries where the security phase would so indicate.
OHCHR (NIRM Section) and relevant UNDP staff (HQ and regional) should be consulted jointly with regard to hiring international experts as well as on the delivery of activities that require a substantive knowledge of the operations of an NHRI, and with related activities requiring training. They should agree on Terms of Reference established for international experts, the work plans developed to guide their activity, and be involved in all aspects of their selection: reviewing applications for the positions, short-listing and selection. Again, this is a general principle applying to the entire PAF in appropriate categories and will not be repeated in each applicable activity.
Timelines in PAFs are indicative only.
Next steps: PAFs should be revised as necessary following the development of a comprehensive strategic plan, and resultant action plans, by the NHRI. The revised PAF will be incorporated into the PRODOC.
Project Activity Framework
PHASE I: Setting the situation for the successful establishment of A NHRI
Key Result Area 1: Hire National Project Manager and undertake preparatory work
KRA 1: Intended outcomes |
Output |
Activities: Key result indicator(s) |
Timeframe |
Resp |
Assumptions/ |
1. NHRI s ready to operate as soon as possible after legislation is adopted. |
1.1 National project manager is identified, hired |
1.1.1 Publicise position of National Project Manager (NPM) 1.1.2 Contract / secondment agreement 1.1.3 Fill position |
1st Q |
NPM in place for full length of project + two months to wrap up |
1.2 Office equipment |
1.2.1 IT hardware, peripherals and communications purchased or loaned |
1st Q |
NPM co-located with UNDP in early phase |
1.3 Security plan |
1.3.1 Identify and secure appropriate expertise 1.3.2 Draft plan, ensuring flexibility depending on security situation 1.3.3 Secure approvals |
1st Q |
Security phase is appropriate to activity |
1.4 Lay ground-work for obtaining appropriate facilities |
1.4.1 Identify appropriate facilities 1.4.2 Develop plan to upgrade, secure promises, as needed |
1st -2nd Q |
Lease or equivalent will be needed if land gift from government not possible |
1.5 Government Consultations |
1.5.1 Develop a consultative process to examine the commitment and capacity of the government |
1st -2nd Q |
PSC In consul-tation with government |
Should be accompanied by broader stakeholder consultations on readiness for NHRI |
1.6 Process for procuring vehicles, core furnishings and equipment |
1.6.1 Needs assessments 1.6.2 Procurement / tenders developed |
1st Q |
1.7 Revised PRODOC and budget |
1.7.1 Undertake consultations on the proposal and prepare revised PRODOC, PAF and budget as necessary 1.7.2 Modify PRODOC/ PAF and budget as required |
1st Q |
Responsibility to be assumed by NPD once in place |