Chapter 1
Introducing National Human
Rights Institutions

Chapter 2
Models of NHRIs

Chapter 3
Roles and Responsabilities of

Chapter 4
The Rule of Law and the NHRI

Chapter 5
NHRIs, Development and
Democratic Governance

Chapter 6
Situating NHRI Support in the UN Planning & Programming Process

Chapter 7
Pre-establishment Phase of NHRIs

Chapter 8
Establishing NHRIs

Chapter 9
Consolidation Phase:
Strengthening the Mature NHRI

Chapter 10
Paris Principles and Accreditation

Annex 1: Checklist Compilation for Assessing Compliance with the Paris Principles

The following checklist – a compilation of the checklists set out in this Chapter for assessing conformity with individual Principles contained in the Paris Principles – is included here; since having the all the information in one document may prove useful. The Checklist compilation identifies the Principles that are enunciated in the Paris Principles and the minimum requirements that must be met to satisfy those Principles. Where the Principle or requirement, or any part thereof, is not directly citable in the text of the Paris Principles, they are set out in italics.

It is impossible to signify by a simple 'yes' or 'no' response to whether certain Principles are being met, for example, the Principle requiring institutions to have "a broad mandate". The Checklist attempts to develop a hierarchy of possibilities in such cases so that an assessment can be made of the degree that an institution meets the standard.

This Checklist is not a definitive method for assessing the capacity or strength of an institution. That would require a more focused examination both on what the institution has done with the mandate it has and how stakeholders perceive it. In particular, an examination of an institution's responsibilities should not end with whether it can carry out a given function. It is much more important that the capacity to do something is actually carrying out the work in a way that demonstrates the institution's fundamental independence and professional competence. In this context, the Checklist identifies certain areas of activity that may be considered central to NHRI responsibilities. This is meant merely to provide a better assessment of how well the institution is doing in meeting its responsibilities.

Mandate is set out in constitution or legislation
Mandate gives authority to promote and protect human rights
(general jurisdiction)
Competence is defined in legislation
(subject-matter jurisdiction)
Competence is as broad as possible (from most to least broad)
  • Includes both CP and ESC Rights
  • Includes most CP and ESC Rights
  • Includes only CP Rights
  • Includes a subset of CP Rights
  • Includes most CP and ESC Rights
(object matter jurisdiction)
Competence is as broad as possible (from most to least broad)
  • Over State and Private Sector (with public function), without restriction24
  • Over State, without restriction
  • Partial 25 restriction with regard to sensitive State Organs26
  • Total restrictions with regard to sensitive State Organs
(time jurisdiction)
Competence is as broad as possible (from most to least broad)
  • Can examine matter even if it predates institution
  • No limits providing matter occurred since set up of institution
  • Discretionary power to limit examination of ‘old’ cases
  • Limits on capacity to examine matters that are ‘old’ set in law
Can provide advice on own initiative
  • On legislative or administrative provisions
  • On any violation the institution takes up
  • On the national situation generally or in specific
  • On situations of violations and government reactions to it
Can provide advice directly without referral
Can publicise the advice without referral or prior approval
To encourage the harmonisation of national legislation and practices with international human rights instruments, as well as their effective implementation, including by
  • Participating in reviews of legislation and policy at time of ratification
  • Regularly reviewing and providing formal comments on draft legislation and policy
  • Regularly reviewing and formally commenting on the human rights situation generally or with respect to key issues
To encourage the ratification of international human rights instruments
To contribute to country human rights reports (from most to least broad)
  • Directly participates in drafting of complete report
  • Drafts section(s) on work of institution and reviews report
  • Drafts section(s) on work of institution
  • Reviews report in whole or in part
To cooperate with international and regional human rights organs and other national institutions
To elaborate and take part in education and research programs in human rights, including by:
  • Assisting in developing/reviewing curricula for schools
  • Assisting in training of Prison Guards, Police, Army and Security Forces
To sensitise people on human rights through publicity, education, information and the use of press organs, including by
  • Publishing an Annual Report
  • Regularly reporting on important cases through the media
  • Developing basic brochures on the institution
Member Composition demonstrates pluralism (High to Lower)
  • Includes representatives of most social forces including NGOs, trade unions or professional associations
  • Includes representatives of most vulnerable groups (ethnic, religious minorities, persons with disabilities, etc.)
  • Single member, with representative consultative boards or committees, or similar structural mechanisms to facilitate and ensure pluralistic engagement
  • Single member
Member composition demonstrates gender balance
Staff composition is broadly representative and gender balanced
Appointment effected by official act
Appointment is for a specific duration, (but not too short – e.g., two-years - as to potentially effect independence and effectiveness)
Appointment may be renewable so long as pluralism is assured
Appointment process, duration, renewability and criteria set out in legislation
Appointment process supports pluralism and independence
  • Nominations include input from civil society
  • Selection process involves Parliament
  • Criteria for selection includes demonstrated experience in human rights
(Dismissal Process)
Conditions for which a member may be dismissed are set out in legislation
Conditions relate to serious misconduct, inappropriate conduct, conflict of interest or incapacity only
Decision to dismiss requires approval preferably by autonomous body such as a panel of high court judges, at a minimum by 2/3rds vote of Parliament
INPEDENCE If Government Officials in membership, they have advisory capacity only
Institution reports directly to Parliament
Members have immunity for official acts
State funding is sufficient to allow for independent staff and separate premises
State funding is sufficient to allow for core programming27 in protection and promotion
Funding not subject to financial control which might affect independence
Budget drawn up by the institution
Budget separate from any Department’s budget
Institution has authority to defend budget requests directly before Parliament
Budget are secure
  • Not subject to arbitrary reduction in year for which it is approved
  • Not subject to arbitrary reduction from one year to the next
(Examination of Issues)
The institution can consider any issue within its competence on its own initiative on the proposal of its member or any petitioner
The institution can hear any person or obtain and information or document necessary to carry out its work
The right to hear any person and obtain any document is enforceable in law
The right to enter any premises to further an investigation is set out in law
Obstruction in obtaining, or denial of, access to a person, document or premises is punishable in law
The institution has the legal authority to enter and monitor any place of detention
The institution can enter the place of detention without notice
The institution can let the public know of opinions or recommendations, including through the media, without higher approval
The institution meets regularly and in plenary
Special meetings can be convened as necessary
All members are officially convened for meetings
(Organisational Structure)
The institution can set up working groups (which may contain non-NHRI members)
The institution can set up regional or local offices
The institution consults with other bodies responsible for promoting and protecting human rights
The institution consults with NGOs working in human rights or related fields
The institution carries out joint programming with NGOs working in human rights or related fields especially in awareness raising and education






24 "Without restriction" in this context means no restriction except as regards the courts and Parliament.

25 "Partial" in this context means either that the restriction does not apply to all sensitive State Organs or that the restriction is not absolute.

26 'Sensitive State organ" in this context means, the Army, the Police, Security Forces and the equivalent.

27 "Core programming" in this context means that the Institution has enough funds available to conduct investigations, carry out general outreach programming and publish an Annual Report.