This section provides selected tools to integrate minorities into development programming and conflict prevention efforts. These tools include checklists, questionnaires and survey techniques developed by UNDP COs, UN agencies and other actors.

In order to support governments to promote inclusive growth it is necessary to first have baseline data on the situation faced by minorities and to monitor progress. This data will help to identify which minorities are the most vulnerable, the extent of inequalities faced, and the legal and regulatory framework and institutions available to address these inequalities.

Since individual minority communities are likely to have distinct challenges in overcoming inequality, the situation of each group may be assessed independently.

Using these tools:

The tools have been grouped according to utility for: situation analysis; data collection; monitoring and evaluation; early warning for conflict prevention; and integration of minorities in programme cycle management. Some tools are useful for more than one application.

Application of the tools:

The tools can be used at several stages of the programme cycle. Many of the situation analysis tools are most relevant for CCA preparation; data collection tools are appropriate for determining baseline data for setting UNDAF targets; monitoring and evaluation tools are useful for tracking the impact of CPDs and early warning tools can be used throughout the programme cycle. The information collected with these tools can be integrated into programme documents, publications, monitoring and evaluation to supplement a broader picture of development cooperation and interventions. Tool 8 on Integrating Minorities into the Programme Cycle gives a general overview of this process and key considerations for each stage of the programme management.

UNDP cooperation with governments and UNCTs is vital for efficient use of the tools and to ensure that data collected is freely available. Governments may have legitimate concerns about gathering data on minority groups. Therefore, this process may be pursued in a transparent and multilateral framework, ideally under the UNCT framework. The involvement of minority CSOs in using the tools is also recommended.

When publishing data on ethnic, religious and linguistic groups, it is important to bear in mind that many individuals may not want to identify as members of this group, usually for reasons of discrimination or social stigma. Tool 4 gives some guidance on how to deal with these issues and with privacy rights.

Sources of information:

UNDP will either rely on existing sources of information or commission the collection of primary data in order to use these tools. It is important to note that not all existing information will be objective or reliable; it is best to cross-check information against a range of data sources. There are many potential sources of information:

  • Governments may have data available from the national census and other methods statistics collection. Where this data is not disaggregated by ethnicity, religion and/or language, it may be possible to use geographical region as a proxy for evaluating minority groups if they are predominantly settled in one or more areas.
  • National Human Rights Institutions and, where applicable, national minority councils or non-discrimination councils, may have a monitoring role, producing information on the status of minority groups.
  • Parliamentarians from minority groups will have good knowledge on legal provisions for minorities and emerging legislation.
  • Minority CSOs will regularly produce reports or commentaries on issues of concern.
  • Commissioned surveys and focus groups with individuals from minority communities will yield valuable information.
  • The Universal Periodic Review, UN Treaty Bodies and UN Special Rapporteur country visits produce many documents evaluating a wide range of issues of relevance for minorities. Information for these reports is provided by the State and by CSOs.
  • The UN Working Group on Minorities has commissioned many working papers on country situations involving minorities (see Annex III).
  • Several websites of international organizations and CSOs provide up to date information on the status of minority groups (see Annex V).
  • Media reports from mainstream media and particularly from media outlets aimed at minority groups will provide information on current events and perceptions of and by minority groups.

Additional reference materials are also included in the Annexes, such as: the UN Declaration on the Rights of National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities; publications on minority issues; and websites on minority issues.

Table 7. Overview of Tools
  Tool Application Resource Implications
Tool 1.
Checklist on general
situation of minorities
Early stages of CCA/ CPD
Gives general legal and social status overview of several minority groups
Staff to conduct desk survey of UN Treaty Body Reports, media reports, legal frameworks, etc

Consultation with minority CSOs

Consultation with any national minority council or NHRI

Tool 2.
Vulnerability Assessments
Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development

Gives information on specific minority groups and helps identify targets for development interventions

Staff to conduct desk survey

Commission new primary data collection in field as needed

Consultation with relevant
minority CSOs

Consultation with any national minority council or NHRI

Tool 3.
HRBA Causality Analysis

Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development

Provides an assessment of
immediate, underlying and
root causes of minority rights violations

Inputs gathered from Tools 1 or 2

Consultation with project staff to conduct HRBA analysis

Consultation with local government actors to assess duties and capacity gaps for minority protection

Consultation with relevant minority CSOs to assess capacity gaps

Tool 4.
Collecting Quantitative
Ethnic Data
Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development, CPAP monitoring and evaluation

Gives guidance on parameters for conducting ethnic data collection

Staff to oversee ethnic data collection project

Government actors (e.g. National statistics offices) to lead data collection

Consultants to produce data collection and/or provide capacity building support to governments

Consultants from minority
groups to participate in data collection processes

Tool 5.
Survey Design, Data Collection and Sampling Method: Case Example from UNDP Ukraine
Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development, CPAP monitoring and evaluation

Gives example of institutional processes for beginning a data collection project and sample questions used to gather data on ethnic inequality

Staff to oversee data collection project

Government actors (e.g. National statistics offices, local government) to lead data collection and/or monitor the data collection process.

Consultants to produce data collection and/or provide capacity building support to governments

Consultants from minority groups to participate in data collection processes

Tool 6.
Ethnic Distance

See also Tools 4, 5, 7
Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development, CPAP monitoring and evaluation

Provides data on inter-communal relations; can give insight into the impact of project interventions on increasing or decreasing ethnic distance, which can help determine if targeted or inclusive development interventions are appropriate.

Staff to oversee data collection project

Government actors (e.g.
National statistics offices, local government) to monitor the data collection process.

Consultants to produce data collection and/or provide capacity building support to governments
Consultants from minority groups to participate in data collection processes

Tool 7.
Minorities and Conflict Checklist

See also Tool 2
Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development, CPAP monitoring and evaluation

Provides data on inter-communal relations and early warning of tensions and escalating tensions; data can be shared with UNCT and relevant local mechanisms for conflict prevention

Staff to conduct desk survey

Inputs from Tools 1, 2 and 6 as baseline data

Consultation with relevant
minority CSOs

Consultation with any national minority council or NHRI

Working Group on Conflict Prevention with UNCT
Tool 8.
Integrating Minorities
in the UNDP Programme Cycle
Early stages of CCA/CPD or Programme/Project development, CPAP monitoring and evaluation

Helps to ensure that consideration of minorities is integrated into all stages of the programme cycle

Staff to oversee integration at each stage of programming cycle

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