Annex IV


  • Alfredsson, G. and E. Ferrer. Updated and revised by K. Ramsay. Minority Rights: A Guide to United Nations Procedures and Institutions, London: MRG 2004.
  • Baird, R. The Impact of Climate Change on Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London:
    MRG 2008.
  • Baldwin, C., C. Chapman and Z. Gray. Minority Rights: The Key to Conflict Prevention, London: MRG 2007.
  • Banda, F. and C. Chinkin. Gender, Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London: MRG, 2004.
  • Eide, A. Final Commentary to the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.5/2001/2, 2001.
  • European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI). Mechanisms for the Implementation of
    Minority Rights
    , Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2004.
  • Ghai, Y. Public Participation and Minorities, London: MRG 2003.
  • Hughes, A. PRSPs, Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - An Issues Paper, MRG 2005.
  • Kane, I. Protecting the Rights of Minorities in Africa: A Guide for Human Rights Activists and Civil Society Organizations, London: MRG 2008.
  • Migration Policy Group. Policies on Integration and Diversity in some OSCE Participating States. Brussels: Migration Policy Group, 2006.
  • Moucheboeuf, A. Minority Rights Jurisprudence Digest, Strasbourg: ECMI Handbook Series, 2006.
  • Panossian, R., B. Berman and A. Linscott (eds.). Governing Diversity: Democratic Solutions in Multicultural Societies, Montreal: Rights and Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), 2001.
  • Reynolds, A. Electoral Systems and the Protection and Participation of Minorities, London: MRG, 2006.
  • Salomon, M.E. (ed.). Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Guide for Minorities and Indigenous Peoples London: MRG, 2005.
  • Schabas, W. Preventing Genocide and Mass Killing: The Challenge for the United Nations, MRG 2006.
  • UN Inter-Agency. Handbook on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons: Implementing the Pinheiro Principles, Turin: International Training Centre of the ILO and UN Inter-Agency, March 2007.
  • Wolff, S. and M. Weller (eds.), Institutions for the Management of Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Central and Eastern Europe, Strasbourg: ECMI Handbook Series, 2008.


Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies, 2006

Recommendations to encourage and facilitate the adoption by States of specific measures to alleviate tensions relating to national minorities.

Guidelines on the use of Minority Languages in the Broadcast Media, 2003

Practical guidance for States in developing policy and law to facilitate minority language use in the broadcast media, in line with internationally agreed standards and drawing on examples of good practice.

Warsaw guidelines, 2001

Recommendations to assist national minority participation in the electoral process, elaborating on the Lund Recommendations.

Lund Recommendations, 1999

Recommendations on effective participation of national minorities in public life.

Oslo Recommendations, 1998

Recommendations regarding the linguistic rights of national minorities with explanatory note.

Hague Recommendations, 1996

Recommendations on the education rights of national minorities.

Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations, 2008

The Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations provide representatives of States, national minorities and international organizations with advice on how to address questions concerning national minorities that arise in the context of inter-State relations in a way that protects and promotes the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, prevents conflict, maintains inter-ethnic harmony and strengthens good neighbourly relations.

OSCE, Media in Multilingual Societies: Freedom and Responsibility, 2003.

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