ACHPR African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
ACT Assisting Communities Together
AECID Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development
AICHR ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
ARC Autonomous Republic of Crimea
ASEAN Association of South East
Asian Nations
CBOS Community-Based Organisations
CCA Common Country Assessment
CEE Central and Eastern Europe
CEMA Committee for Ethnic Minorities,
CERD UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
CESCR UN Committee on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights
CIDP Crimean Integration and Development Programme
CIS Commonwealth of
Independent States
CMVP Cameroon Millennium
Villages Project
CO UNDP Country Office
CODAE Corporación de Desarrollo Afroecuatoriana
CoE Council of Europe
CONAPAA National Commission of Andean, Amazon and Afroperuvian Peoples
COPE Community Owned
Primary Education
CPAP Country Programme
Action Plan (UNDP)
CPD Country Programme
Document (UNDP)
CRC Convention on the Rights
of the Child
CSO Civil Society Organisation
DDPA Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
DFID United Kingdom Department
of International Development
DGTTF Democratic Governance
Thematic Trust Fund
DLGSP Decentralized Local Governance Support Programme
ECHR European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECOSOC UN Economic and Social Council
ECRI European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
EGN Personal Identification Number
ERTF European Roma and Travellers Forum
EWM Early Warning Mechanisms
EWR Early Warning Report
EU European Union
FCNM Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
FDP Formerly Deported People
FPIC Principle of Free, Prior and
Informed Consent
FRA EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
GEF Global Environment Facility
GHRSP Global Human Rights Strengthening Programme (UNDP)
GSI Gender and Social Inclusion
HBS Household Budget Survey
HCNM OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
HDR Human Development Report
HIs Horizontal Inequalities
HRBA Human Rights-Based Approach
HRC UN Human Rights Committee
HURIST Human Rights Strengthening Programme (UNDP)
IAWG Inter-Agency Working Group
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights
ICERD International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination
ICT Information and
Communication Technology
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILO International Labour Organisation
INDEPA National Institute for the Development of Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian Peoples
IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union
IRSSA Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
LFS Labour Force Surveys
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MPG Migration Policy Group
MRG Minority Rights Group International
NAPAP NGOs and Police Against Prejudice
NHDR National Human
Development Report
NHRI National Human Rights Institution
NTFPs Non-Timber Forest Products
OAS Organization of American States
ODIHR OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
OHCHR UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
OSCE Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe
PFII UN Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues
PRSPs Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
PSDA Peace Stability and
Development Analysis
RLL Rural Labour Linkages

RMAP Rights-based Municipal Development Programme

RUPP Rural Urban Partnership Programme
SAARC South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation
SEPPIR Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality, Brazil
SISPAE Afro-Ecuadorian System of
Social Indices
SME Small and Medium Enterprise
TOR Terms of Reference
TTF Thematic Trust Fund
UN United Nations
UNAIDS Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT UN Country Team
UNCTAD UN Conference on Trade
and Development
UNDAF UN Development
Assistance Framework
UNDG UN Development Group
UNDM UN Declaration on the Rights
of Persons Belonging to National
or Ethnic, Religious and
Linguistic Minorities
UNDP United Nations
Development Programme
UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNIPACK UN Indigenous Peoples Advisory Committee of Kenya
UNITAR UN Institute for Training
and Research
UNOCHA UN Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs
UNRISD UN Research Institute for
Social Development
UNV UN Volunteers
UPR Universal Periodic Review
(of the UN Human Rights Council)
WGPAD UN Working Group of Experts
on People of African Descent
WHO World Health Organization