The College at a Glance

The mission of UNSSC is to foster learning for a better world through capacity support on UN priorities.
The Director of UNSSC reports to the Board of Governors on an annual basis. The UNSSC Board of Governors is composed of UN representatives selected by the UN Chief Executives Board (CEB) and appointed by the UN Secretary-General.

UN Chef de Cabinet
Courtenay Rattray

Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director, UN Women
Anita Bhatia

Executive Director, UNAIDS
Winnie Byanyima

Executive Director, UNFPA
Natalia Kanem

USG for Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance
Catherine Pollard

Assistant Director-General Business Operations, WHO
Raul Thomas

Director, Bureau of Policy and Programme Support, UNDP
Haoliang Xu

Director, UNSSC
Jafar Javan

Executive Director, UNITAR
Nikhil Seth

Secretary of CEB and Director of the CEB Secretariat
Maaike Jansen

(Thousands of United States dollars)
(Thousands of United States dollars)

Special thanks to our donors
At UNSSC, we are extremely grateful for the continuing support that our key donors provided in 2022. Italy, as the host government of our main campus and headquarters, provided essential funding that has enabled UNSSC to grow and better deliver on its mandate. Similarly, Germany’s generous contributions have enabled the UNSSC Knowledge Centre in Bonn to expand its reach and operations in the area of sustainable development. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Turin-based Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation have been strong supporters, allies and partners with whom we have shared visions, strategies and ideas. In 2022, the Government of Ireland provided a generous contribution to support UNSSC’s work on climate and security. The results achieved in 2022 would not have been possible without the support of our key donors.

Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10, 10127 Turin - Italy
+39 011 65 35 911 | +39 011 65 35 901
Langer Eugen Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
+49 228 815 2657