A data-driven look at the College’s impact over the past 20 years

Explore 20 years of UNSSC’s growth, inclusivity and innovation in our data snapshot
From 2002 onward, UNSSC has seen consistent annual growth in participant enrolment and activities, significantly amplified by the online learning surge from 2020 that was induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since 2006, women have consistently comprised a majority of participants in UNSSC programmes, showcasing our commitment to balance.

Participants from within the UN system have consistently made up a substantial percentage of total enrolment in UNSSC programmes, highlighting our integral role within the UN system.

From their inception in 2012, e-learning programmes and events have experienced steady growth, with the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a catalyst for a significant uptake.

Since 2002, the College’s income has seen a remarkable surge of 414 per cent, driven largely by increases in self-generated income through course fees, tailored solutions, and advisory services.

From 2009 onwards, the proportion of income generated by the College itself has consistently exceeded the percentages from government and UN funding.